
Showing posts from July, 2023

Tilak – The Hindu Symbol

  Tilak – The Hindu Symbol Tilak is considered a mandate in Hinduism before beginning any new work, especially on special occasions. Wearing a tilak or bindi(for women) not only serves to decorate the forehead in an auspicious way, but it also serves as a reminder that, above all other forms of life, the human body is a priceless vessel that allows one to actively engage in spiritual pursuits. Because the body is what enables one to do selfless service, maintaining one’s physical health should be regarded as a sacred activity.  Several Hindu scriptures describe tilak as a method of re-centering one’s spiritual focus. The importance of applying tilak from a religious and scientific perspective According to Hindu belief, tilak should be applied to the forehead, neck, heart, both arms, chest, as well as navel. A person can get energized and worry-free by applying tilak. The significance of tilak in terms of science, it is applied to the forehead to calm the mind. The advantages ...

A Vibrant August Festival with Bond of Love, Traditions, and Deities

  India is renowned throughout the world for its vibrant festivities held all year long. August also features a wide range of enchanting festivals and activities, from religious celebrations to breathtaking boat races and tranquil music and yoga events. These August festivities are full of life, enthusiasm, and fun. August brings monsoon to most of India, but these celebrations make it possible for people to savor the raindrops even more. Here are the few significant festivals celebrated in August Importance of Raksha Bandhan Festival India commemorates the sacred relationship between brothers and sisters on Raksha Bandhan. It is very significant because it represents the enduring compassion, care, and protection that siblings have for one another. This celebration not only deepens the link between siblings, but also promotes family cohesion, love, and respect. It acts as a reminder of the principles of fidelity, confidence, and assistance that are necessary for all relationships. ...

Upcoming Hindu Festivals and Their Importance

  Festivals in India are much more than mere celebrations; they represent the country's vibrant cultural tapestry, bring people together, and contribute significantly to the social, religious, and economic aspects of the nation. They continue to play a crucial role in. Festivals hold immense significance in India and are an integral part of its rich cultural heritage. They play a crucial role in shaping the social, religious, and cultural fabric of the country and preserving and passing on India's cultural heritage to future generations.  Significance of Hindu Festivals  India is home to numerous religions, such as Hinduism , Islam, Sikhism, Christianity, Buddhism, Jainism, and others. Festivals are often rooted in religious beliefs and mythology, and they allow people to express their faith, devotion, and spirituality.   Several Indian festivals are linked to the agricultural calendar and the changing seasons. They mark the arrival of a new season, harvest time, or...

भगवान तिरुपति (वेंकटेश्वर)अवतार!

  भगवान तिरुपति ने क्यों अवतार लिया था। भगवान तिरुपति जी ने क्यों अवतार लिया था, यह एक बहुत ही सुंदर कथा है। इस कथा का शुभारंभ उस समय से हुआ था जब भगवान श्री हरि विष्णु श्री राम के रूप में पृथ्वी पर अपनी लीला कर रहे थे। उस समय एक घटना जो आप सभी लोग जानते होंगे घटी थी जब पंचवटी में रावण माता सीता को हरने के लिए आने वाला था।  उस समय भगवान श्रीराम ने अग्नि देवता को वास्तविक सीता को समर्पित कर दिया था और माता सीता की एक छाया जो सीता माता के रूप में ही भगवान के साथ रह रही थी, जिसे रावण हर कर ले गया था। जब भगवान ने रावण का वध किया तो उसके पश्चात भगवान ने वास्तविक सीता को वापस करने के लिए अग्नि देव को कहा जिससे छाया सीता अग्नि में समर्पित हो गई और वास्तविक सीता अग्नि से प्रभु श्री राम के पास वापस आ गई।  जो छाया सीता भगवान के साथ थी, जिसे रावण हर कर ले गया था, उस सीता के लिए अग्निदेव ने भगवान राम से प्रार्थना की वह उससे भी विवाह कर ले, तब भगवान ने कहा की मैं एक पत्नी व्रत ले चुका हूँ, इसलिए इस जीवन में मेरे लिए दूसरा विवाह करना संभव नहीं है। लेकिन अगले जन्म में इनकी यह इच्छा अवश...

प्रदोष व्रत और मासिक शिवरात्रि एक ही दिन, उत्तम संयोग में होगी पूजा

  प्रदोष व्रत को करने से भगवान शिव प्रसन्न होते हैं। भगवान शिव को प्रसन्न करने के लिए प्रत्येक मास की त्रयोदशी तिथि को प्रदोष व्रत किया जाता है। कहा जाता है कि इस दिन भगवान शिव की आराधना करने से सभी तरह के कष्ट दूर हो जाते हैं। सोमवार के दिन प्रदोष व्रत करने से संतान रत्न की प्राप्ति होती है। साल के अंतिम महीने और हिंदू कैलेंडर के 10 वें महीने पौष में प्रदोष व्रत और मासिक शिवरात्रि का व्रत व पूजन एक ही दिन किया जाएगा. पंचांग के अनुसार प्रदोष व्रत हर माह की त्रयोदशी तिथि और मासिक शिवरात्रि हर माह के कृष्ण पक्ष की चतुर्दशी तिथि को होती है. प्रदोष व्रत और शिवरात्रि दोनों ही भगवान शिवजी को समर्पित है. इस बार दिसंबर 2022 में पौष माह में कुछ विशेष संयोग बन रहे हैं जिससे कि प्रदोष व्रत और शिवरात्रि एक ही तिथि को मनाई जाएगी. जानते हैं प्रदोष व्रत और मासिक शिवरात्रि की तिथि,संयोग और पूजा मुहूर्त के बारे में. प्रदोष व्रत और मासिक शिवरात्रि दोनों पर्व बुधवार 21 दिसंबर 2022 को मनाया जाएगा. पौष कृष्ण पक्ष त्रयोदशी तिथि प्रारंभ- 21 दिसंबर रात्रि 12:45 से पौष कृष्ण पक्ष त्रयोदशी तिथि समाप्ति- 21...

Saraswati Puja 2023

  All about the Indian festival of  Saraswati Puja  in 2023 Hindu culture supports the existence and veneration of different gods and goddesses through their devotion to them. Different religious festivals are celebrated to pay respect to them and to gain their blessings. One such festival is Saraswati Puja, which is one of the main Hindu festivals and is purely dedicated to Maa Saraswati. She is the goddess of wisdom, knowledge, performing arts, and music. And thus,  she is worshipped on this auspicious day, making a mark as a festival celebration.. Also known as Vasant Panchami or Sri Panchami, this festival falls on the fifth day of Magha month. To talk it in terms of the Gregorian calendar, it is observed in late January or early February. If you are looking forward to this festival in 2023, then this year, it will be celebrated on the 26th of January. According to the Tithi system (Panchang), one can perform the rituals on the 25th of January after 12:34 pm, and...

Hindu Concept of the Beginning and End of the Universe

  One of the main world religions, Hinduism , is the only one to adhere to the notion that the universe itself experiences an enormous if not endless, number of deaths and rebirths. The Hindu Cycle of the Universe is Hinduism’s interpretation of the universe. Only Hinduism has a conception of the cyclical nature of the universe.  It implies that the universe experiences an endless cycle of rebirth and death.  According to Hindus, the Vedas transcend time and have neither a beginning nor an end.   Hindus have strong belief that the universe is projected in cycles. “Hindu unit of time” describe in Hindu texts make reference to a range of time scales, from the regular earthly day and night to the day and night of Brahma, which is a few billion earth years long. The universe created by Brahma is the conduit via which the divine manifests. Hindus, therefore, believe that everything in the universe might be a doorway to God. It is the only religion whose temporal scales c...

Ascertaining the Ultimate Truth – Sanatana Dharma

Understanding the genuine essence of “Sanatan Dharma” is quite interesting. If this awareness is formed with faith and conviction, it can help us grasp the many religious systems more clearly and expand our consciousness beyond the boundaries. Sanatana-dharma does not relate to any particular religion. Sanatana-Dharma refers to the living being’s eternal vocation. When we speak of Sanatana-Dharma, we must assume that it has neither a beginning nor an end because Sri Ramanujacharya, a renowned Acharya in the tradition of Bhakti-yoga, defined the word sanatana as “that which has no beginning nor end.” Sanatan, then, is an eternal concept that transcends all limitations of location, time, nation, caste, race, and creed. A brief history of Sanatan Dharm According to popular belief, Sanatan Dharma was the only Dharma controlling the world in ancient times. It was the only Manav Dharma, or religion, that was applicable to all nations and nationalities worldwide. However, this Dharma was for...


  The glory and grandeur of Maha-Shivratri    It has been a human quest to find stability, love, and power amid his grimy mundane life. But this search leads one to a place of weariness, and indeed it ends in endless profligacy. And it has been found that it is only after resting his belief system on the almighty’s power, that he can find peace. The path to inner happiness of Hindus is believed to be in fasting and celebrating myriad festivals that have special religious importance attached to them. The understanding of the customs and rituals with which these festivals are celebrated allows mankind to become one with the spiritual development of life on this mother earth. Ages-old Hindu culture is all about different types of festivals, religious observances, and religious events. This culture is so rich in festivals that each day of the year is celebrated with undivided religious zest. Indians take special pride in celebrating these festive moments with great enth...