Tilak – The Hindu Symbol
Tilak – The Hindu Symbol
Tilak is considered a mandate in Hinduism before beginning any new work, especially on special occasions. Wearing a tilak or bindi(for women) not only serves to decorate the forehead in an auspicious way, but it also serves as a reminder that, above all other forms of life, the human body is a priceless vessel that allows one to actively engage in spiritual pursuits. Because the body is what enables one to do selfless service, maintaining one’s physical health should be regarded as a sacred activity. Several Hindu scriptures describe tilak as a method of re-centering one’s spiritual focus.
The importance of applying tilak from a religious and scientific perspective
According to Hindu belief, tilak should be applied to the forehead, neck, heart, both arms, chest, as well as navel.
A person can get energized and worry-free by applying tilak. The significance of tilak in terms of science, it is applied to the forehead to calm the mind. The advantages of Tilak on the forehead result in the release of two different types of hormones. The absence of both of these substances, beta endorphin and serotonin, causes a person to feel apathetic and hopeless.
Some of the facts related to Tilak
Tilak can be applied with different fingers
Fingers also play an important role in applying Tilak. Different fingers have different roles.
The anamika finger(ring finger) is used to administer tilak, which calms the mind. Additionally, applying a tilak with the madhyama finger( middle finger) lengthens a person’s life span. Applying tilak with the tarjani finger (index finger) is similar to applying tilak with the thumb in order to achieve salvation. Hinduism dictates that the anamika finger should be used for deity work, the madhyama finger for ancestor labour, the kannika finger(little finger) for sage work, and the index finger for tantric work while applying a tilak.
Every deity is worshiped using a different tilak
There is a provision for all the gods to use different tilaks during worship, which may surprise you. Yellow sandalwood is used in Vishnu worship, Haridra Chandan in Ganesh Puja, Blood sandalwood is used in ancestral rituals, Bhasma is used in Shiva worship, and White Sandalwood is used in Lakshmi Pujan and Rishi Pujan.
Importance of Tilak on Forehead
Applying tilak on forehead is one of the sacred beliefs in Hindu culture.
The tilak therefore begs the blessings of the Almighty and protects the wearer from all evil influences. The “Ajna chakra,” located in the middle of the brow, is where tilak is placed. Applying tilak to this important nerve point ensures that the point is pushed, which improves local blood flow, improves concentration, and reduces energy waste.
Spiritual Meaning of Tilak
Tilak does, however, also have a spiritual meaning. Unbelievably, the user experiences a sense of holiness when wearing a tilak. It is considered to be a religious symbol. Its form and colour also changes depending on a person’s belief, religious affiliation, and the deity they adore.
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